Smoking and Vaping By-Law

Smoking and vaping legislation in Durham Region -

A regional Smoking and Vaping By-law, regulating smoking and vaping of tobacco, vapour products and cannabis in public places is in effect. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, combined with the regional Smoking and Vaping By-law, helps to provide area residents with an increased level of protection from both indoor and outdoor exposure to second-hand smoke or vape in public spaces, as well as protection for employees from exposure in the workplace. Smoking and vaping will be prohibited within nine metres of all public entrances/exits at workplaces and public places and within 20 metres of all public park properties in Durham Region. 

Individuals convicted of an offence under the regional Smoking and Vaping By-law could be subject to a maximum fine of $5,000.

Please note for  more clarification from Durham Region on the Smoking By-Law

From the City & Durham Region


"At this time, we are asking for your assistance in reminding your sport program participants and parents/family/friends of any participants of the provincial Smoke Free By-law which states that on “children’s  playgrounds and publicly-owned sports fields that it is illegal to smoke on and within 20 metres of children’s playgrounds and publicly owned sport fields and surfaces (e.g., areas for basketball, baseball, soccer or beach volleyball, ice rinks, tennis courts, splash pads and swimming pools that are owned by a municipality, the province or a post-secondary education institution)”.


Please be advised that at some of our diamond locations you will need to be totally away from the playing area.  One such example is Alexandra Park.  We were contacted by the Durham Region today to clarify Alexandra Park.  There is NO SMOKING on the walkway or the soccer field area at Alexandra Park. 

 At any diamond location you need to be 20 meters away from players and spectator areas.


View the By-law

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